
Orthodox Christianity And Capitalism

Here's a little blast from the past - an interview with Kevin Allen, host of the Illumined Heart (on Ancient Faith Radio). I engaged both Kevin and Fr. John Whiteford in a discussion on the compatibility of capitalism with Orthodoxy Christianity. Kevin provides the following synopsis of the episode:

The previous podcast on this subject stimulated comments about whether we covered the bases on this issue fully or dispassionately enough. In this conversation, Fr. John Whiteford (ROCOR) priest and frequent conservative commentator and blogger, and Dr. Amir...(ROCOR) layman, political science lecturer, and self-described “social democrat,” talk about poverty, the welfare state, whether alms-giving is spiritually effective if government mandated, and the best way to live out the Orthodox Christian life in the world.

Hmm…why wasn’t Fr. John introduced as a “self-described” conservative, and why is social democrat enclosed within quotation marks? Oh well…

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