"A certain monk went to Abba Silouan and said to him: 'Father, I have an enemy who has done me many injuries; he seized my land before I left the world, and he often sought to harm me, and now he has hired sorcerers to poison me. Therefore, I am thinking of turning him into the magistrate.' The Elder responded: 'Do as you please, my son.' The brother continued: 'In fact, Abba, his soul will benefit greatly if he is punished.' 'Do as you think best, my son,' repeated the Elder. At that the brother said: 'Arise, Father, let us offer a prayer and then I shall go to the magistrate.' They got up and as they prayed...the Elder said: 'And forgive us not our trespasses, as we forgive not those who trespass against us.' 'Father, that is not how it goes,' interrupted the brother. 'Yes it is, my son. In fact, if you want to go to the magistrate and seek justice for yourself, Silouan has no other prayer to say for you.' Upon hearing this, the brother made a prostration and forgave his enemy."
- Evergetinos, Hypothesis 37 (quoted in Hieromonk Gregorios, Love Your Enemies)