
Timing is Everything: On the Divinity of Christ

Although Christ alludes to His divinity on many occasions (e.g., John 8:58), much is often made of the fact that He doesn't affirm it explicitly.  "If he were really God," many ask, "why wouldn't he just say so in a clear, unequivocal way?"

An answer to this question is intimated in today's Gospel reading (Luke 9:18-22).  In this passage, Jesus asks Peter, "Who do you say that I am?"  After answering that He is the "Christ of God", Jesus surprisingly orders him to keep this truth secret.  For "everything there is a season" (Ecc. 3:1), and it wasn't yet the "season" to publicly disclose that which Peter had confessed.

This, of course, doesn't prove Christ's divinity, but it shows that we can't deny it merely on the grounds that He wasn't as explicit about His true identity as we would have liked.